Friday, December 15, 2023

First Love Chapter 4

                    First Love

 Chapter 04

In the narrow and untidy passage of the lodge, which I entered with an involuntary tremor in all my limbs, I was met by an old grey-headed servant with a dark copper-coloured face, surly little pig’s eyes, and such deep furrows on his forehead and temples as I had never beheld in my life. He was carrying a plate containing the spine of a herring that had been gnawed at; and shutting the door that led into the room with his foot, he jerked out, ‘What do you want?’

‘Is the Princess Zasyekin at home?’ I inquired.

Read part 3, here

‘Vonifaty!’ a jarring female voice screamed from within.

The man without a word turned his back on me, exhibiting as he did so the extremely threadbare hindpart of his livery with a solitary reddish heraldic button on it; he put the plate down on the floor, and went away.

‘Did you go to the police station?’ the same female voice called again. The man muttered something in reply. ‘Eh… . Has some one come?’ I heard again… . ‘The young gentleman from next door. Ask him in, then.’

‘Will you step into the drawing-room?’ said the servant, making his appearance once more, and picking up the plate from the floor. I mastered my emotions, and went into the drawingroom.

I found myself in a small and not over clean apartment, containing some poor furniture that looked as if it had been hurriedly set down where it stood. At the window in an easy-chair with a broken arm was sitting a woman of fifty, bareheaded and ugly, in an old green dress, and a striped worsted wrap about her neck. Her small black eyes fixed me like pins.

I went up to her and bowed.

‘I have the honour of addressing the Princess Zasyekin?’

‘I am the Princess Zasyekin; and you are the son of Mr. V.?’

‘Yes. I have come to you with a message from my mother.’

‘Sit down, please. Vonifaty, where are my keys, have you seen them?’

I communicated to Madame Zasyekin my mother’s reply to her note. She heard me out, drumming with her fat red fingers on the window-pane, and when I had finished, she stared at me once more.

‘Very good; I’ll be sure to come,’ she observed at last. ‘But how young you are! How old are you, may I ask?’

‘Sixteen,’ I replied, with an involuntary stammer.

The princess drew out of her pocket some greasy papers covered with writing, raised them right up to her nose, and began looking through them.

‘A good age,’ she ejaculated suddenly, turning round restlessly on her chair. ‘And do you, pray, make yourself at home. I don’t stand on ceremony.’

‘No, indeed,’ I thought, scanning her unprepossessing person with a disgust I could not restrain.

At that instant another door flew open quickly, and in the doorway stood the girl I had seen the previous evening in the garden. She lifted her hand, and a mocking smile gleamed in her face.

‘Here is my daughter,’ observed the princess, indicating her with her elbow. ‘Zinotchka, the son of our neighbour, Mr. V. What is your name, allow me to ask?’

Also read: Helena chapter 5

‘Vladimir,’ I answered, getting up, and stuttering in my excitement.

‘And your father’s name?’


‘Ah! I used to know a commissioner of police whose name was Vladimir Petrovitch too. Vonifaty! don’t look for my keys; the keys are in my pocket.’

The young girl was still looking at me with the same smile, faintly fluttering her eyelids, and putting her head a little on one side.

‘I have seen Monsieur Voldemar before,’ she began. (The silvery note of her voice ran through me with a sort of sweet

shiver.) ‘You will let me call you so?’ ‘Oh, please,’ I faltered.

‘Where was that?’ asked the princess.

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The young princess did not answer her mother.

‘Have you anything to do just now?’ she said, not taking her eyes off me.

‘Oh, no.’

‘Would you like to help me wind some wool? Come in here, to me.’

She nodded to me and went out of the drawing-room. I followed her.

In the room we went into, the furniture was a little better, and was arranged with more taste. Though, indeed, at the moment, I was scarcely capable of noticing anything; I moved as in a dream and felt all through my being a sort of intense blissfulness that verged on imbecility.

The young princess sat down, took out a skein of red wool and, motioning me to a seat opposite her, carefully untied the skein and laid it across my hands. All this she did in silence with a sort of droll deliberation and with the same bright sly smile on her slightly parted lips. She began to wind the wool on a bent card, and all at once she dazzled me with a glance so brilliant and rapid, that I could not help dropping my eyes. When her eyes, which were generally half closed, opened to their full extent, her face was completely transfigured; it was as though it were flooded with light.

‘What did you think of me yesterday, M’sieuVoldemar?’ she

asked after a brief pause. ‘You thought ill of me, I expect?’

‘I … princess … I thought nothing … how can I?… ’ I answered in confusion.

‘Listen,’ she rejoined. ‘You don’t know me yet. I’m a very strange person; I like always to be told the truth. You, I have just heard, are sixteen, and I am twenty-one: you see I’m a great deal older than you, and so you ought always to tell me the truth … and to do what I tell you,’ she added. ‘Look at me: why don’t you look at me?’

I was still more abashed; however, I raised my eyes to her. She smiled, not her former smile, but a smile of approbation. ‘Look at me,’ she said, dropping her voice caressingly: ‘I don’t dislike that … I like your face; I have a presentiment we shall be friends. But do you like me?’ she added slyly.

‘Princess … ’ I was beginning.

‘In the first place, you must call me ZinaïdaAlexandrovna, and in the second place it’s a bad habit for children’ – (she corrected herself) ‘for young people – not to say straight out what they feel. That’s all very well for grown-up people. You like me, don’t you?’

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Though I was greatly delighted that she talked so freely to me, still I was a little hurt. I wanted to show her that she had not a mere boy to deal with, and assuming as easy and serious an air as I could, I observed, ‘Certainly. I like you very much, ZinaïdaAlexandrovna; I have no wish to conceal it.’

She shook her head very deliberately. ‘Have you a tutor?’ she asked suddenly.

‘No; I’ve not had a tutor for a long, long while.’

I told a lie; it was not a month since I had parted with my Frenchman.

‘Oh! I see then – you are quite grown-up.’

She tapped me lightly on the fingers. ‘Hold your hands straight!’ And she applied herself busily to winding the ball.

I seized the opportunity when she was looking down and fell to watching her, at first stealthily, then more and more boldly. Her face struck me as even more charming than on the previous evening; everything in it was so delicate, clever, and sweet. She was sitting with her back to a window covered with a white blind, the sunshine, streaming in through the blind, shed a soft light over her fluffy golden curls, her innocent neck, her sloping shoulders, and tender untroubled bosom. I gazed at her, and how dear and near she was already to me! It seemed to me I had known her a long while and had never known anything nor lived at all till I met her… . She was wearing a dark and rather shabby dress and an apron; I would gladly, I felt, have kissed every fold of that dress and apron. The tips of her little shoes peeped out from under her skirt; I could have bowed down in adoration to those shoes… . ‘And here I am sitting before her,’ I thought; ‘I have made acquaintance with her … what happiness, my God!’ I could hardly keep from jumping up from my chair in ecstasy, but I only swung my legs a little, like a small child who has been given sweetmeats.

I was as happy as a fish in water, and I could have stayed in that room for ever, have never left that place.

Her eyelids were slowly lifted, and once more her clear eyes shone kindly upon me, and again she smiled.

‘How you look at me!’ she said slowly, and she held up a threatening finger.

I blushed … ‘She understands it all, she sees all,’ flashed through my mind. ‘And how could she fail to understand and see it all?’

All at once there was a sound in the next room – the clink of a sabre.

‘Zina!’ screamed the princess in the drawing-room, ‘Byelovzorov has brought you a kitten.’

‘A kitten!’ cried Zinaïda, and getting up from her chair impetuously, she flung the ball of worsted on my knees and ran away.

I too got up and, laying the skein and the ball of wool on the window-sill, I went into the drawing-room and stood still, hesitating. In the middle of the room, a tabby kitten was lying with outstretched paws; Zinaïda was on her knees before it, cautiously lifting up its little face. Near the old princess, and filling up almost the whole space between the two windows, was a flaxen curly-headed young man, a hussar, with a rosy face and prominent eyes.

‘What a funny little thing!’ Zinaïda was saying; ‘and its eyes are not grey, but green, and what long ears! Thank you, Viktor

Yegoritch! you are very kind.’

The hussar, in whom I recognised one of the young men I had seen the evening before, smiled and bowed with a clink of his spurs and a jingle of the chain of his sabre.

‘You were pleased to say yesterday that you wished to possess a tabby kitten with long ears … so I obtained it. Your word is law.’ And he bowed again.

The kitten gave a feeble mew and began sniffing the ground.

‘It’s hungry!’ cried Zinaïda. ‘Vonifaty, Sonia! bring some milk.’

A maid, in an old yellow gown with a faded kerchief at her neck, came in with a saucer of milk and set it before the kitten. The kitten started, blinked, and began lapping.

‘What a pink little tongue it has!’ remarked Zinaïda, putting her head almost on the ground and peeping at it sideways under its very nose.

The kitten having had enough began to purr and move its paws affectedly. Zinaïda got up, and turning to the maid said carelessly, ‘Take it away.’

‘For the kitten – your little hand,’ said the hussar, with a simper and a shrug of his strongly-built frame, which was tightly buttoned up in a new uniform.

‘Both,’ replied Zinaïda, and she held out her hands to him. While he was kissing them, she looked at me over his shoulder.

I stood stockstill in the same place and did not know whether to laugh, to say something, or to be silent. Suddenly through the open door into the passage I caught sight of our footman, Fyodor. He was making signs to me. Mechanically I went out to him.

‘What do you want?’ I asked.

‘Your mamma has sent for you,’ he said in a whisper. ‘She is angry that you have not come back with the answer.’

‘Why, have I been here long?’

‘Over an hour.’

‘Over an hour!’ I repeated unconsciously, and going back to the drawing-room I began to make bows and scrape with my heels.

‘Where are you off to?’ the young princess asked, glancing at me from behind the hussar.

‘I must go home. So I am to say,’ I added, addressing the old

lady, ‘that you will come to us about two.’

‘Do you say so, my good sir.’

The princess hurriedly pulled out her snuff-box and took snuff so loudly that I positively jumped. ‘Do you say so,’ she repeated, blinking tearfully and sneezing.

I bowed once more, turned, and went out of the room with that sensation of awkwardness in my spine which a very young man feels when he knows he is being looked at from behind.

‘Mind you come and see us again, M’sieuVoldemar,’ Zinaïda called, and she laughed again.

‘Why is it she’s always laughing?’ I thought, as I went back home escorted by Fyodor, who said nothing to me, but walked behind me with an air of disapprobation. My mother scolded me and wondered what ever I could have been doing so long at the princess’s. I made her no reply and went off to my own room. I felt suddenly very sad… . I tried hard not to cry… . I was jealous of the hussar.


First Love Chapter 3

                     First Love

 Chapter 03

‘How can I make their acquaintance?’ was my first thought when I waked in the morning. I went out in the garden before morning tea, but I did not go too near the fence, and saw no one. After drinking tea, I walked several times up and down the street before the house, and looked into the windows from a distance… . I fancied her face at a curtain, and I hurried away in alarm.

‘I must make her acquaintance, though,’ I thought, pacing distractedly about the sandy plain that stretches before Neskutchny park … ‘but how, that is the question.’ I recalled the minutest details of our meeting yesterday; I had for some reason or other a particularly vivid recollection of how she had laughed at me… . But while I racked my brains, and made various plans, fate had already provided for me.

Looking for part 2? Click here

In my absence my mother had received from her new neighbour a letter on grey paper, sealed with brown wax, such as is only used in notices from the post-office or on the corks of bottles of cheap wine. In this letter, which was written in illiterate language and in a slovenly hand, the princess begged my mother to use her powerful influence in her behalf; my mother, in the words of the princess, was very intimate with persons of high position, upon whom her fortunes and her children’s fortunes depended, as she had some very important business in hand. ‘I address myself to you,’ she wrote, ‘as one gentlewoman to another gentlewoman, and for that reason am glad to avail myself of the opportunity.’ Concluding, she begged my mother’s permission to call upon her. I found my mother in an unpleasant state of indecision; my father was not at home, and she had no one of whom to ask advice. Not to answer a gentlewoman, and a princess into the bargain, was impossible. But my mother was in a difficulty as to how to answer her. To write a note in French struck her as unsuitable, and Russian spelling was not a strong point with my mother herself, and she was aware of it, and did not care to expose herself. She was overjoyed when I made my appearance, and at once told me to go round to the princess’s, and to explain to her by word of mouth that my mother would always be glad to do her excellency any service within her powers, and begged her to come to see her at one o’clock. 

Read part one, here

This unexpectedly rapid fulfilment of my secret desires both delighted and appalled me. I made no sign, however, of the perturbation which came over me, and as a preliminary step went to my own room to put on a new necktie and tail coat; at home I still wore short jackets and lay-down collars, much as I abominated them.


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Married To The Devil's Son S1C23

MÅRRIED TO THE DEVIL'S SON By Author Jasmine Joseph. 

     - CHAPTER 23
Lucian watched as the blonde woman undressed in a seductive way waiting to get a reaction from him, but when she didn't get anything...

"Don't be shy. Maybe... you would like to undress me?" she said as she stalked toward him while eyeing him up and down. "Or maybe I should undress you first" she continued as she tugged at his robe.

He grabbed her arm harshly and gave her a hard glare. Why didn't he like the fact that this woman was trying to undress him when he came here willingly.


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"Oh... so you want to do it with clothes on? I get it. Everyone has their own preference." she smiled trying to lighten his mood.

He let go of her arm and as soon as he did she slid her arm around his neck and pulled him down pressing her lips to his. She kissed him hungrily and he kissed her back but he felt nothing. Why? He pushed her body closer trying to feel something but nothing. She didn't taste as sweet as Hazel, didn't smell like her, didn't feel like her. She didn't make his heart beat as fast, or his body burn as hot as Hazel did and his demon was as silent as the dead.

He was beginning to get frustrated. Why wasn't his body reacting? He ripped her clothes off and pushed her down on the bed. She gasped but seemed satisfied thinking that she made him go wild when it was the opposite. Maybe seeing her nȧkėd would make him excited but it didn't. He tried to touch her and kiss her once more but nothing. This wasn't working.

He was here to feed his demon but his demon wasn't a bit hungry. Getting up he grabbed the sheets and covered her body. She stared at him confused. Then turning around he stalked toward the door as it was useless to try. No one could make him feel as Hazel did.

"Where are you going?" she called behind him. Ignoring her he opened the door and walked out.

He walked through the halls confused. What did Hazel do to him that made it impossible for him to dėsɨrė other women? He used to enjoy his women before his marriage. Now he couldn't even go back to his room because Hazel would be there and having her in the same room without touching her would be difficult.

"You don't need to follow me."

Lincoln who had been following him silently appeared from the shadows.

"Allow me, your highness, it's for your own safety." He said.

Lucian didn't like to be followed but Lincoln had been doing that since they came here. Apparently, he didn't trust Rasmus, or to be correct Lincoln never trusted anyone easily.

"Keep an eye on Hazel instead." Lucian ordered.

"Her highness is under Oliver's protection." Of course, Lincoln always had everything in control.

Lucian continued walking through the halls with Lincoln walking right behind him. He knew Lincoln cared for his safety too much to leave him alone. He remembered the first time he met him. He was eleven back then and Lincoln fifteen.

He never questioned Lucian's abilities and he never reacted when Lucian behaved differently. Sometimes Lucian wondered what Lincoln really thought about him.


"Yes, Your Highness."

"Do you believe me to be the devil's son?"

"It doesn't matter to me, Your Highness."

"That's not what I asked," Lucian said, "and I want you to be honest."

"I am not sure, but I know you are different." No doubt. Lincoln was someone who paid attention to small details.

"Your Highness?" Lincoln voice was filled with concern. "I don't like that we can't have our weapons. We can't protect ourselves." Lucian had the urge to laugh. Lincoln was all about safety and protection and he just wanted the man to relax.

"Relax Lincoln. They have no reason to harm us" and if they did Lucian would burn them all.
Astrid & Klara were practicing their skills

He watched silently for a while observing their skills. Astrid was the cautious type, she defended herself a lot from Klaras attacks but ones she attacked she never missed.That was both her strength and weakness.

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Klara, on the other hand, was the type to attack. She swung with her sword continuously aiming at different places, on top of that she was quick, but she wasn't very good at protecting herself. One needed to both attack and defend.

Astrid swung her sword at her sister so hard it made her sisters sword slid from her hand. Without giving Klara a chance to recover Astrid swung her sword at her again but Klara was quick and kicked the sword out of her sister's hand. Now none of them had a sword. Klara tried to pick up hers fast but Astrid has already placed a dagger on her sister's throat.

"I told you many times, you always need to have an extra weapon." Astrid said. Klara removed the hair out of her face and stared at her sister angrily.

"One more time." She breathed.

"No, I am tired. I need some sleep." Astrid said while putting her dagger back and picking up her sword. Turning around she noticed him standing there for the first time.

"Prince Lucian?" She said surprised "what brings you here?" Klara got to her feet quickly and adjusted her hair before looking his way.

"I was just passing by when I saw you fight."

"I am better than my sister right?" she said looking at her sister mockingly.

"That wasn't my best" Klara shot her an angry glare before looking back to Lucian. "Why don't you fight with me?" She suggested to him.

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"He is not wearing clothes suitable for a fight, sister." Astrid said as she looked him up and down.

"Alright. How about tomorrow? I will think of what ask of you when you lose till then." She smirked.

"Don't bother, because I won't."


Married To The Devil's Son S1C24

            Read on! More to come!

MÅRRIED TO THE DEVIL'S SON  - By Author Jasmine Joseph. 
     - CHAPTER 24
Sitting in front of the mirror a maid combed my hair.

"Your hair is so beautiful" she smiled.

Yeah but unfortunately I wasn't a blonde and my husband seemed to like blondes.

"Thank you" I smiled back.

"My Lady, do you want this dress or this one?" she said holding up two different dresses once she was done with my hair.

"None of them. Pick me a really beautiful dress." I ordered. I would make Lucian regret what he did. I would make him sleepless as he made me. I even wanted to make him cry because even though I didn't want to admit to myself I cried a little last night.

Oh, how I needed Lydia and Ylva now.

The maid picked me a peach colored dress which suited my hair and skin color perfectly.

I put some paint on my lips and some perfume then I let my hair down as I looked myself in the mirror.

Now you will want a piece of this but you won't get it.

Lastly I put my shoes on and strode out of the room. As I walked through the long hall I started to lose my confidence. What if he didn't even want a piece of me? He could always get a piece of som other woman. I would always be the one to lose.

This were the times I hated being a woman.

When I neared the dining room my heart was pounding so hard in my ċhėst. I knew Lucian was waiting there and I was both angry and nervous, maybe more angry than nervous.

I slowly opened the door and walked inside. Lucian was sitting at the table and he stared right at me when I entered the room. I forgot to breath for a moment when his eyes met mine, but I quickly reminded myself how angry and hurt I was. I tried to suppress my angry, it was important to control myself if I wanted to win this war.

"Won't you sit down?" he asked gesturing to the seat next to him.

Without saying anything I made my way to the table and down while all while avoiding to meet his gaze.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" He asked. Of course not, but I am sure you did.

"Yes I did, Your Highness." I said in a flat tone. He looked at me surprised.

"Won't you ask me?"

"Did you sleep well, Your highness?" I asked using the same tone again. He chuckled.

"That's not what I meant. Will you not ask why I never came last night?"

"I don't have any right to ask, Your Highness." He frowned and looked at me confused.

"Hazel?" he said in a firm but soft voice that sent shivers down my spine. I resisted the urge to look up and meet his gaze.

"Look at me." he demanded. No way I would do that. His eyes were my weakness and I wouldn't show him my weakness right now.

When I didn't do as he said he grabbed my chin and lift my head up slightly.

"Look at me Hazel." He said even softer this time. I couldn't help but look up and gaze into his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, Your Highness."

"Don't call me that." He said sounding slightly irritated now. Good. He should be more than that.

"Alright." was all I said. He sighed.

"You seem to be in a really bad mood compared to how you dressed." He said as his eyes traveled along my face down to my ċhėst. His gaze felt like a hot iron on my skin.


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"I am not hungry, excuse me." I said standing up, ready to get away from there only to make him angry but before I could move he grabbed my arm and pulled me against the table trapping me between him and it.

"Are you taunting me wife? You dress so beautifully and you smell so good but you are running away."

"I am not running, I am just not hungry." I said trying to sound innocent. His eyes got darker.

"But I am." he said slowly leaning closer. He placed each hand on each side of my body so that I couldn't get away then he placed his head on the side of my neck. I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

"I can't..." he breathed heavily as his lips brushed against my skin. I tilted my head back, wanting him to kiss every inch of my skin. He leaned even closer pressing his body to mine as his lips traveled up to my jawline until they brushed mine. A soft brush that made me curl my toes.

"You should stop me." he breathed before crushing his lips on mine. Yes I should stop him. Why am I kissing him? How could he kiss me with those lips that had kissed another woman last night? Just thinking about that made me fuming with anger and I bit his lip.

I hadn't meant to bite him that hard so I was shocked at first but then I thought he deserved it. Now come on, get angry, but he just stared at me.

"I am sorry, Your Highness." I said adding the last part to anger him. He walked closer his eyes never leaving mine then he traced my lips with his thumb.

"You had a little blood there." he said. What? I felt like he was toying with me so I decided to tell him straight up to go to hell or go back to that blonde but got interrupted by a knock on the door. Lincoln entered shortly after and when he saw us standing so close to each other "I can come back" he said and turned around quickly.

"What is it Lincoln?" Lucian asked still standing like he did trapping me with both his body and gaze. Lincoln turned around slowly but kept looking down.

"Princess Klara is waiting for you in the garden." He said. Klara? Why was she waiting for him?

"Tell her I am on my way." Lucian said. Lincoln bowed and left.

"What does she want?" I asked.

"I thought you were uninterested?" He smirked. "Follow me if you want to know."

I considered following him for a while but then just decided I should. I could not let him go alone to meet Klara when I knew her intentions. If she could do anything to get a married man I had to do everything to keep my man for myself.

I could see how the soldiers that were gathered in the garden couldn't stop staring at her. Did Lucian find her that beautiful too?

"Good morning princess Hazel and ...Lucian I am glad you kept your word." She smiled as we neared. In the back of the garden, I could see Astrid sitting comfortably on a chair.

"Don't be too excited," he said in a serious tone and it surprised me that they spoke so casually to each other which bothered me. Lucian had explained on our way that Klara wanted to have a fight with him. Something seemed suspicious to me.

I sat next to Astrid while Lucian grabbed a sword ready to fight with Klara.

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"I don't know why my sister insists to fight with him. It's clear that he is going to win." Astrid said. Yeah, if it is true that he killed hundreds of men on his own then one woman wouldn't be a problem.

Klara began to swing her sword at Lucian and he was avoiding every swing swiftly without even raising his. At last he raised his sword and blocked one of her attacks. This time he started attacking her and it looked like she had a hard time defending herself. He had a smirk on his face and told her something I couldn't hear.

They fought back and forth and it looked like Lucian was going easy on her. He didn't even seem to try. I bet he could do this blindfolded. Klara, on the other hand, was panting and her hair got a little messy, but she wasn't willing to give up.

Lucian swung his sword at her and just as she was to block his attack it looked like she changed her mind half ways and Lucian sword cut her on the upper arm. Blood began to seep from the wound. It felt as if the time stood still for a while because everyone were quiet and chocked before Astrid rose from her seat and ran to her sister.


First Love Chapter 2

                    First Love

 Chapter 02

I was in the habit of wandering about our garden every evening on the look-out for rooks. I had long cherished a hatred for those wary, sly, and rapacious birds. On the day of which I have been speaking, I went as usual into the garden, and after patrolling all the walks without success (the rooks knew me, and merely cawed spasmodically at a distance), I chanced to go close to the low fence which separated our domain from the narrow strip of garden stretching beyond the lodge to the right, and belonging to it. I was walking along, my eyes on the ground. Suddenly I heard a voice; I looked across the fence, and was thunder-struck… . I was confronted with a curious spectacle.

A few paces from me on the grass between the green raspberry bushes stood a tall slender girl in a striped pink dress, with a white kerchief on her head; four young men were close round her, and she was slapping them by turns on the forehead with those small grey flowers, the name of which I don’t know, though they are well known to children; the flowers form little bags, and burst open with a pop when you strike them against anything hard. The young men presented their foreheads so eagerly, and in the gestures of the girl (I saw her in profile), there was something so fascinating, imperious, caressing, mocking, and charming, that I almost cried out with admiration and delight, and would, I thought, have given everything in the world on the spot only to have had those exquisite fingers strike me on the forehead. My gun slipped on to the grass, I forgot everything, I devoured with my eyes the graceful shape and neck and lovely arms and the slightly disordered fair hair under the white kerchief, and the half-closed clever eye, and the eyelashes and the soft cheek beneath them… .

‘Young man, hey, young man,’ said a voice suddenly near me:

‘is it quite permissible to stare so at unknown young ladies?’

I started, I was struck dumb… . Near me, the other side of the fence, stood a man with close-cropped black hair, looking ironically at me. At the same instant the girl too turned towards me… . I caught sight of big grey eyes in a bright mobile face, and the whole face suddenly quivered and laughed, there was a flash of white teeth, a droll lifting of the eyebrows… . I crimsoned, picked up my gun from the ground, and pursued by a musical but not ill-natured laugh, fled to my own room, flung myself on the bed, and hid my face in my hands. My heart was fairly leaping; I was greatly ashamed and overjoyed; I felt an excitement I had never known before.

After a rest, I brushed my hair, washed, and went downstairs to tea. The image of the young girl floated before me, my heart was no longer leaping, but was full of a sort of sweet oppression.

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‘What’s the matter?’ my father asked me all at once: ‘have you killed a rook?’

I was on the point of telling him all about it, but I checked myself, and merely smiled to myself. As I was going to bed, I rotated – I don’t know why – three times on one leg, pomaded my hair, got into bed, and slept like a top all night. Before morning I woke up for an instant, raised my head, looked round me in ecstasy, and fell asleep again.


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Chuma The Terrror Chapter 2


Chapter 2

 "You fool!"  Chuma snarled at Biayi. "You want to waste your food on a useless old man? If you don't know what to do with it, I'll show you!"

  He slammed the food into his own food box.

 "But he's hungry," Biayi protested. "And we have more than enough for ourselves." He stretched the rest of his food to the old man.

   "Give me that!" cried Chuma, wrestling the food away. "Let this dirty old thing go and work if he wants to eat!" 

 He crammed what was left of Biayi's lunch into his own food box.

  Biayi scowled. "But this is unfair, Chuma. It's my food and I have the right to do whatever I want with it. This poor man is hungry!"

  Chuma glared at Biayi. "If he's hungry, let him go and farm!" He turned to the man. "Get out of here - you toothless old vulture!"

  He gave the man a kick that sent him tumbling into the bushes.

  Biayi was aghast. "Chuma - are you out of your mind?"  
  "I can't stand the sight of old vultures like you!" Chuma raved, leaping into the bushes after the old man and giving him more kicks.

   He broke a branch off a shrub and began to flog the man.

   "Chuma!" Biayi leapt at him, trying to stop him, but Chuma knocked Biayi down and continued to flog fbd the old man.

   "Clear out of here!" Chuma snarled at the man. "Disappear! Vanish!" 

  He didn't stop beating the poor old man until the man managed to hobble out of the cane's reach and duck into the bushes.
  Biayi gaped at his twin. He had witnessed many of  Chuma's acts of wickedness, but this was the Gorgon's head.

   He shook his head in utter disbelief. "An old man, Chuma! A man old enough to be your grandfather - frail and feeble!"

  Chuma licked his lips. "He should count himself lucky I didn't kill him." He grabbed his sack and food box. "Come on Biayi, I feel fully ziched now for snail-hunting. Come on!"

   There was a wicked glint in his eyes and a large cruel grin on his face.

  Biayi was still smarting over Chuma's awful treatment of the old man when they got to the snail territory at the river bank.

   But Chuma just led out a whoop, and with a hop and a dash set about rooting for snails.

   After several hours of snail- gathering, however, the sacks of both boys were only a quarter full.

  "The snails all seem to have migrated," Chuma growled. "And it's well past lunch time. I'm breaking for lunch."

   "Look!" Biayi uttered, sighting a huge snail in the undergrowth. He jumped over to it and rooted it out.

   Chuma's eyes popped at the size. "It's mine!" He spurted. "It's mine!"

   "What makes it yours?" Biayi countered, admiring the huge snail in his hands.

    "I saw it first!"

   "If you saw it first why didn't you go for it?"

 Chuma struck Biayi in the chest with his elbow. "Shut up! It's mine because I say it's mine!"

   He snatched the snail from his twin brother. "It's three times the size of anything we've got so far. And anything times three is mine - you know that!"

    He thrust the snail into his sack and trundled off to a shady spot beneath a tree.

    Sitting down, he opened his lunch box and gestured at the food. "Times three," he declared. "Mine.

   "That's more than times three," protested Biayi, watching Chuma rip into the food.

   "Is it?" spluttered Chuma, sending oil-soaked, saliva-drenched, half-chewed cocoyam shooting out of his over-stuffed mouth - to kill ants and other little insects in the way.

     "Yes. You've got my food in there."

    "I haven't."

    "You have."

   Chuma didn't say anything more. He just stuffed the food hastily into his mouth, as if the food was going to run away to Okokomaiko.

   "Aren't you leaving anything for me?" Biayi asked anxiously, watching the food diminish.

  Chuma hefted down a huge mouthful. "You want to eat?"


 "But you have no food - how can you eat?"

   "I'm hungry!"

  Chuma battled his eyelids. "You gave your food to the old man, remember?"

"That's my food you're eating, Chuma!"

"How can it be your food?"

"It's mine!"

"No. Don't you know what you have given out is no longer yours? This is the old man's food I'm eating!"

He tossed back his head and roared with laughter.

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Married To The Devil's Son S1C22

                    5 mins read⏳


Beautiful women clad in silk flowed into the room and began to move in rhythm with the music. Lucian watched as the curvy women in front of him swayed with their hɨps in a seductive way to get the males attention. Rasmus who was sitting next to him seemed to enjoy the view while sipping his wine.

"I like that red haired one. Which one catches your attention?" Rasmus asked.

Lucians eyes swept over the women twirling around each other wearing almost nothing. Yes, they were beautiful, exotic but none of them enticed him.

"Hard to decide huh? You can take two if you want." Rasmus said in amusement when Lucian didn't reply.

Maybe he should. It has been a long time since he took a woman to bed and that might be the reason his demon was out of control. Taking a woman might calm his demon down a bit so that he can finally be with Hazel.

"I'll take the blonde" Lucian finally decided. Rasmus gave him a knowing smile.

Looking out the window I watched as the clear blue summer sky transformed into a sea of blackness. The sun got swallowed by the rapidly falling night and the sky got freckled by shimmering stars. It was a beautiful sight.

"My Lady, dinner is served downstairs."A maid informed who had just walked in. Finally, I could meet Lucian after not having seen him for the whole day. As I made my way the dining room my heart pounded in my ċhėst with anticipation. Images of our kiss from last night replayed in my head and I had a feeling that more would happen tonight, but to my disappointment the room was empty as I entered. There was no sign of Lucian.

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"My lady?" Looking over my shoulder one of Lucian's guards was standing there.

"His Highness told me to inform you that he will be unable to join you for dinner tonight" he said.

"Why? did something happen?" I asked concerned. These days I always felt anxious, waiting for something bad to happen.

"No My Lady. He is attending a party the king threw for men only?"

"Oh.." was the only thing I managed to say. Party for men only didn't sound good. The king of Gatrish is known for his parties that include exotic women, sėx and liquor, and knowing that Lucian was there right now, made me feel uneasy.

MUST READ: Chuma The Terror

I sat at the large table and tried to enjoy the food and not think about anything else when Astrid and Klara strode into the room.

"We heard that you are dining alone so we came to accompany you, if that's alright?." Astrid inquired.

"Of course" I smiled.

Once they sat down the maids served them dinner as well.

"I hope you are enjoying your stay here even though a lot is going on in your kingdom" Astrid said.

"I am, thank you." I lied. I was hardly enjoying myself especially with her sister having an interest in my husband. "I heard the king is throwing a party. What is the special occasion?" I asked trying to get some information.

"Nothing actually. My brother just enjoys his parties and women."

"Yeah, if there is one thing a man can't resist is, it's the body of a beautiful woman," Klara spoke for the first time since she came here.

I had a feeling she was telling me something. It didn't matter. Lucian wouldn't take another woman, would he? If he had done it before he certainly would now.

My stomach churned and I lost my appetite.

"Thank you for keeping me company. Have a good night." I said standing up from my seat once they were done eating.

As I headed back to my room my thoughts drifted back to Lucian. I was both anxious and curious to what he was doing. I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep so I decided to take a walk around the castle when I heard giggling sounds coming from around the corner.

Looking around the corner I found a group of maids standing on stools looking through a window. They were so occupied that they didn't even notice me approaching them. Curious to what made them so engrossed I stood on an empty stool beside them and peeked through the small window.

The first thing I noticed was the women dancing around each other in circles wearing clothes that cover nothing but their private parts. They were swaying with their hɨps and twisting seductively with their bodies to some music that I couldn't hear.

"Oh... they are so beautiful." A maid spoke while never taking her eyes of the dancing women.

My eyes traveled to the back of the room were a group of men were sitting watching the dancers. I recognized the King who was sitting in the middle with a glass of wine in his hand. He had a smirk on his face and was speaking to someone sitting next to him. Lucian!

Lucian nodded and watched the dancers intently. His gaze was dark and held an emotion I couldn't identify. Now some men were leading a few dancers out of the room.

"Wow.. did you see the woman general Richard chose?" A maid gasped.

"I wonder which one the King will choose," another one said.

"And who is the handsome man sitting next to the King."

The King stood up from his seat and led a red haired dancer out of the room which made a few maids gasp.

"Oh... he is the prince of Decresh, it is said he is son of the devil" an old maid said sounding disgusted.

"The devil must be extremely handsome then."

Yeah, Lucian looked extremely handsome sitting there staring at the dancer. I didn't like the way he was looking at them. I didn't like that he was looking at them at all but that wasn't the worst that could happen, because he was now leading a blonde dancer out of the room.

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First Love Chapter 1

                       First Love

Chapter 01

I was sixteen then. It happened in the summer of 1833.

I lived in Moscow with my parents. They had taken a country house for the summer near the Kalouga gate, facing the Neskutchny gardens. I was preparing for the university, but did not work much and was in no hurry.

No one interfered with my freedom. I did what I liked, especially after parting with my last tutor, a Frenchman who had never been able to get used to the idea that he had fallen ‘like a bomb’ (commeune bombe) into Russia, and would lie sluggishly in bed with an expression of exasperation on his face for days together. My father treated me with careless kindness; my mother scarcely noticed me, though she had no children except me; other cares completely absorbed her. My father, a man still young and very handsome, had married her from mercenary considerations; she was ten years older than he. My mother led a melancholy life; she was for ever agitated, jealous and angry, but not in my father’s presence; she was very much afraid of him, and he was severe, cold, and distant in his behaviour… . I have never seen a man more elaborately serene, selfconfident, and commanding.

I shall never forget the first weeks I spent at the country house. The weather was magnificent; we left town on the 9th of May, on St. Nicholas’s day. I used to walk about in our garden, in the Neskutchny gardens, and beyond the town gates; I would take some book with me – Keidanov’s Course, for instance – but I rarely looked into it, and more often than anything declaimed verses aloud; I knew a great deal of poetry by heart; my blood was in a ferment and my heart ached – so sweetly and absurdly; I was all hope and anticipation, was a little frightened of something, and full of wonder at everything, and was on the tiptoe of expectation; my imagination played continually, fluttering rapidly about the same fancies, like martins about a bell-tower at dawn; I dreamed, was sad, even wept; but through the tears and through the sadness, inspired by a musical verse, or the beauty of evening, shot up like grass in spring the delicious sense of youth and effervescent life.

I had a horse to ride; I used to saddle it myself and set off alone for long rides, break into a rapid gallop and fancy myself a knight at a tournament. How gaily the wind whistled in my ears! or turning my face towards the sky, I would absorb its shining radiance and blue into my soul, that opened wide to welcome it.

I remember that at that time the image of woman, the vision of love, scarcely ever arose in definite shape in my brain; but in all I thought, in all I felt, lay hidden a half-conscious, shamefaced presentiment of something new, unutterably sweet, feminine… .

This presentiment, this expectation, permeated my whole being; I breathed in it, it coursed through my veins with every drop of blood … it was destined to be soon fulfilled.

The place, where we settled for the summer, consisted of a wooden manor-house with columns and two small lodges; in the lodge on the left there was a tiny factory for the manufacture of cheap wall-papers… . I had more than once strolled that way to look at about a dozen thin and dishevelled boys with greasy smocks and worn faces, who were perpetually jumping on to wooden levers, that pressed down the square blocks of the press, and so by the weight of their feeble bodies struck off the variegated patterns of the wall-papers. The lodge on the right stood empty, and was to let. One day – three weeks after the 9th of May – the blinds in the windows of this lodge were drawn up, women’s faces appeared at them – some family had installed themselves in it. I remember the same day at dinner, my mother inquired of the butler who were our new neighbours, and hearing the name of the Princess Zasyekin, first observed with some respect, ‘Ah! a princess!’ … and then added,

‘A poor one, I suppose?’

‘They arrived in three hired flies,’ the butler remarked deferentially, as he handed a dish: ‘they don’t keep their own car-

riage, and the furniture’s of the poorest.’ ‘Ah,’ replied my mother, ‘so much the better.’ My father gave her a chilly glance; she was silent.

Certainly the Princess Zasyekin could not be a rich woman; the lodge she had taken was so dilapidated and small and lowpitched that people, even moderately well-off in the world, would hardly have consented to occupy it. At the time, however, all this went in at one ear and out at the other. The princely title had very little effect on me; I had just been reading Schiller’s Robbers.


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Friday, February 24, 2023

HELENA Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Once Angela helped Helena with the luggage in
Helena thanked her as she stare at the big bed
room, Sonya went and jumped on the bed
Helena chuckled.
"How old are you Sonya ? She asked .
"5, years, I know am still young but am very
smart " she replied.
Helena chuckled and reached for her airport
bag bringing out her suit case as she placed
her cloths on the bed one after the other .
"Your indeed a smart girl , so where's your
mother ? She asked .
Sonya sat on the bed and stare at Helena
quietly, Helena noticed her mood changed so
she went closer to her .
"Sonya is everything alright? She asked .
"Yes , but my mom is no more " she said .
Helena gasped, her mom was dead? That's
really bad news .
"Oh baby , am so sorry , that's really a bad
news , so it's only your dad you have now ?
She asked
"No, I don't also have a dad " she replied,
Helena was confused then why did she call
Alexander her dad then?


"You don't have a dad, then who is Alex to you
and why do you call him dad ? She asked stood
up and started hanging her cloths in the closet.
Sonya chuckled.
"Oh, Alexander is my uncle , but I do call him
dad, because his a twin brother to my daddy ,
identical" she replied.

Helena looked at her surprised, Jake didn't tell
her Alexander was a twin.
"Oh I see , so your dad and Alex are identical ,
so where is he now ? She asked bringing out
her novels .
"My dad is also no more " she replied sadly ,
Helena was more than shock now , a small girl
like her doesn't have a mother and father this
is horrible.
"Baby , that's really bad news" Helena hugged
her and Sonya chuckled.
"Yeah I know, but I've gotten over it since, I
was just a baby when they died, uncle Alex said
I was 2 months then , but since I really didn't
know them it didn't affect me that much ,
atleast I grew up knowing uncle Alex as my
daddy ,but then I was later told he wasn't, you
know if you see uncle Alex and my dad , you
wouldn't know for sure who is who " she said
and giggled .
Helena felt tears in her eyes, as she chuckled,
she wiped it with her thumb and touched her
cheek., It's so bad that she wasn't able to know
her parents before their deaths , they are just
the same because she's an orphan too.
"You don't feel pain at all, no heart throb no
sadness nothing at all? Helena asked touching
Sonya's long brown hair .
"No ms Helena, not at all, Everything
happened for a reason, tell me what about you
, your family? Sonya asked .
"You see Sonya, am just like you , I have no
mother and father , I have an elder brother
whom is your Alex friend , so his like a father
to me " Helena replied trying not to cry .

How she wished she's like this little strong girl,
but each time she thinks about her family's
death it makes her sad , the tears rolled down
and Sonya reached to clean it .
"Stop crying Helena , sorry okay,big girls don't
cry"Sonya said and Helena laughed .
"So your a big girl ?Helena asked Sonya
nodded , she reached and stroke Helena's
cheek gently
" I've been looking for a bestfriend, so would
you be my bestfriend? Sonya asked giving her
little hand for a hand shake.
Helena chuckled.
"Of course" she said and shook her they both
hugged , she already love the little girl.
"So Sonya , why don't you help your bestfriend
arrange her stuff's ? Helena said.
"Of course I will " she said and they both
smiled at each other .
Later they sat on the dinning having lunch as
Veronica asked Helena questions upon
questions she enjoyed being with the family
they are nice .
"So you were in Spain ? Vera asked Helena
"Grandma , you know we talked about going to
Spain for vacation some time , and Helena
here could go with us" Sonya said taking
Helena's hand.

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They smiled at her, and with a surprise
expression on their faces to how Sonya
suddenly grew closer to Helena in just a day
but Helena didn't like the idea at all, what if
something goes wrong she can't go back there
"Yes mother I was thinking it's gonna be good
if Helena goes with us " Nora said .
"Well it's good then , we will all go for the
picnic" Vera answered
"Yeahhhh" Sonya said cheerfully as they
"Ummm I really don't wanna go back to Spain
yet " Helena said as they looked at her ,Sonya
"But why Helena , it will be fun " Sonya said .
Helena touched her hair.
"I know baby but I really don't go out for
vacations like that , you should spend time
with your family " Helena said just as Sonya
was about to answer her they heard the car
"Alex is back " Vera said and Helena's heart
started beating even if she didn't know him she
didn't know why her heart was beating this fast
Once the front door opened Alexander walked
in talking on the phone , Helena's back was
still turned to him Sonya ran towards him.
"Daddy , daddy " she ran and Alex picked her
up kissing her lips, then her cheek .
"How is my baby doing? He asked .
"Fine dad " she kissed his cheek as she
wrapped her little hands around his neck, Vera
and the rest had stood up already to welcome

"Dad we have a visitor, the one you talked
about she's so beautiful," sonya said and that
moment Helena eyes landed on Alexander
shock held her to her spot as she stare at him
with mouth agap,as Alex walked with Sonya in
his hand towards the living room.
Alex still smiling at Sonya didn't notice Helena
till Sonya shouted .
"That's her dad , isn't she beautiful? Sonya
asked pointing.
Alexander raised his head and his eyes caught
the lady who ruined his business suit and
almost made him loss billions, they stare at
each other Alex held surprise face but then
smirked and Helena frowned in confusion to
his sudden change of mood .
As Vera Nora and Sonya wondered why the
look .
Next chapter loading


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HELENA Chapter 4

Chapter 4
As the cab man kept driving Helena couldn't
help but still fuming about the earlier incident,
how dare that obnoxious jackass yelling at her
just because of a damn suit, is that how new
York people are? Nah she doubt it, the guy is
just crazy and arrogant, she wishes never to
see him again , arrogant bastard.
The cab man noticed she's quite and looking
angry so he asked.
"Ms, since you came out from MacDonald
restaurant you've been quite and kind of upset
" he said , Helena took a deep breath, even the
cab man has noticed, she told him all that

"Sorry ma, but not all men are like that" he
said .
"Yeah I know, but the guy is just too rude, I
hate such people talking to someone like dirt "
she said the cab man chuckled.
Finally they reached the hotel , it's written
(FINANCE HOTEL) it was big and indeed
The cab man dropped her and she head into
the hotel as the security guard greeted her she
smiled and met with the Secretary after
booking for one day stay she was given her
room number and she went into the elevator
and got in for 8th floor .
Following the numbers she finally reached her
room and unlocked it, she walked in , it was a
beautiful room and it was cozy very
comfortable to spend the day in.
So exhausted she threw herself on the bed and
closed her eyes, a while later are opened her
eyes and stare at the ceiling, it's time to call
her brother , she sat up and picked her phone
to call just then her phone started ringing it
was him she picked up quickly.
"Jake" she said .
"What the hell Helena , you got me worried, I
called but you didn't answer it" he said
anxiously at the other end .

"Am sorry Jake , some drama was going on
while you called " she said .
"Drama , what drama ? He asked .
"Some Rude Jerk and I bumped Into each other
and trust me when I say it's like the guy wears
his pant on his sleeve" she replied, Jake
chuckled understanding what she was saying.
"Helena just ignore any douchebag around
there , so are you settled in now? He asked .
"Yeah, and it's a very nice hotel , am so
exhausted" she said .

"Am glad to hear that , make sure you eat
something and freshing up okay , you really
need to sleep I will tell Alexander to come pick
you up soon" he said .
She smiled and said okay , then she
remembered about the wedding and what must
be going on now .
"Jake how's granny , what's going on right
now ? She asked worriedly.
"Mother will be fine, although she's been
crying saying you ran away , but trust me
Helena I will explain to her soon but not now ,
maybe 3weeks later " he said .
Helena let her breath out , she was so sad, she
really didn't mean to do this but she had to .
"Okay Jake, am greatful" she replied.
"Yeah , so get some rest now you must be so
tired , and by the way what hotel are you ? He
asked .
"FINANCE HOTEL" she replied.
"Okay then bye"he said .
"Bye" she replied and he hanged up.
She dropped her phone on the bed and went
into the bathroom, hmmm nice bathroom she
thought, she strip from he cloth and buried
Herself in the tub she free from Leo and the
loveless marriage.
The following day , Helena took her bath and
ordered room service she took her breakfast
and sat down waiting for Alexander to come
pick her, he should be here anytime soon.
Some minutes later she got a knock on the
door and went to open it, she saw a tall
muscle guy handsome and well built but not
like the arrogant jerk, damn where did that
come from ? Stupid girl .
"Goodday ms" Marco said .
"Good day " she replied.
"You must be Ms Helena Montana? He asked .
She nodded .
"Yea" she replied.
"I was sent here to pick you " he said .
"Oh, you must be Alexander" she said .
Marco smiled.
"No Ms, am Marco and Alexander Malhotra is
my boss " he replied she smiled .now she
"Okay ,I didn't know about that , well it's okay
" she. said
He nodded.
"Let me get your luggage" he said .
Soon they drove off from the hotel to
Alexander's mansion .
Once they reached the mansion , it was big
and beautiful it just like a castle bigger than
their house she smiled , the interior of the
building was explicable.once they got out of
the car Marco helped with her luggage as they
head into the mansion.
Veronica Malhotra Alexander's grandmother,
Nora his younger sister met Helena half way,
Alexander told them she was coming over.
"Wow, your finally here " Vera hugged Helena
who smiled at the woman kind gesture, same
goes to Nora who was about 20 years old .
"How are you doing dear ? Vera asked.
"Am fine Mr's Malhotra" she replied.
"Oh enough of the formality dear just call me
Veronica or Vera" she said smiling.
"And am Nora , Alexander's younger sister "
Nora introduced.
"Nice meeting you all finally" Helena replied
Just then she had a little girls voice running
into the living room .
"Grandma , grandma " she called and Vera
lifted her up she was about 5 years old , she
was so beautiful and Helena couldn't stop
admiring the little girl.
"Who do we have here grandma? Sonya asked .
"Oh Sonya love, meet Helena Montana,
Alexander's friend sister , the one he spoke
about last-night do you remember? Vera asked
"Oh that, I do remember, your welcome ms
Helena , my dad couldn't stop talking about
you" she said happily Helena smiled at the girl
Jake didn't tell her Alexander was a married
man .
"Nice meeting you too Sonya your so
beautiful" she said .
"Well not as beautiful as you " she replied and
they chuckled.
"Oh Helena please make yourself comfortable,
Alexander has gone to some business meetings
he will be back soon " Vera said .
"Angela " Nora shouted for their Maid she
quickly came .
"Show ms Helena here to her room and quickly
make some beverages for her " Nora said as
Angela collected her bag from Marco who
turned and left .
Helena thank them and started following the
maid .
"I'd like to go with you Helena " Sonya said
"Sure " Helena replied and Sonya run and held
her hand as they both climb the stairs to
Helena's room , Sonya really liked Helena and
Helena liked her too.
Vera and Nora smiled seeing how Sonya was
friendly towards Helena , she hardly likes
Chapter 5 loading



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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Chuma The Terror Chapter 1



Chapter 1

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  The village did not know what to do with Chuma. Ever since he was born he was a terror. When he and his twin brother Biayi were newborn babies, Chuma decided he wanted to learn kick-boxing. And who better to use for practice than Biayi?

    He would kick Biayi until Biayi's body was crawling with welts. And Biayi, who was the direct opposite in character, unfortunately didn't seem to know how to cry to let people know what was happening.

    But this was not the only stunt Chuma pulled as a newborn child. He had another trick called 'Crying All Night' which he carried out at the top of his voice so that the entire village couldn't get a wink of sleep.

    His mom discovered that gagging him helped. But this didn't work after he grew his first teeth. He would rip the wad of cloth and attempt to swallow it and of course, would choke and send his mom into fits.

      By the time he was five(5), he had perfected all kinds of cruel jokes. His favorite was catching cockroaches and tossing them into the cooking pots of women.

      He would laugh and ask to be made a Chief-for giving the women of the village free crayfish.

     By twelve(12), he was the unchallenged village bully. His huge size and love for exploring people's bodies with knives and broken bottles gave him free rein of the village.

      Nobody knew what to do with that terror that rampaged through the length and breadth of the little, but no longer sleepy village.

    One day soon after thirteenth(13) birthday,  Chuma bullied Biayi into agreeing to go snail-hunting with him.
 "These sacks aren't large enough!" Chuma growled, tearing the sacks Biayi had found for their errand, and thrusting them disdainfully away.

   He glared at his mom who was standing by.
  "Mother, go and find larger sacks before I get angry!"

    His mom went and found gargantuan sacks and returned with lunch boxes too.

  "Roasted cocoyam and palm oil to refresh you when you are hungry," she said, offering a box to each of her sons.

   Biayi received his food box appreciatively. 
   "Thanks Mother," he said, "It's very thoughtful of you."

   "Mother, is mine extra-large?" Chuma snorted, snapping his box open to look. "What is this?" he yelled when he saw the contents.
  "How do you expect this measly thing for fill me?"

   "I gave you twice what I gave Biayi," his mom replied.

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  "And so?" He shoved the box back  into her hands. "If you don't go and put in some more, you will see! I want what he has times three- you hear? TIMES THREE!"

  It was only after his mother gave Chuma three times what Biayi had that Chuma piped down and set out.

   The path to the river bank was well-trodden and Chuma and Biayi could walk abreast. And so they did. But Chuma didn't seem satisfied. "Come on, you lazy oaf!" he raged at Biayi. "Come on!"

   "Why are you harassing me?" Biayi protested. "I'm walking as fast as you."
"No, you're not!"
"Yes, I am!"
"You're not!"
"I am. Can't you see we're abreast?"
"I am walking slowly because of you," Chuma growled. "I don't want to leave you behind, you weakling!"

   He suddenly halted in his tracks and grabbed Biayi's arm to hold him back. "Biayi, w-wh-what is that?" He pointed to a figure up ahead along the path.

   Biayi squinted. "It looks like a person- a person crouching. Let's go on- we'll know for sure soon enough." 

 Chuma shook his head and shoved his twin brother forward. "You go."

  Biayi moseyed up and saw that it was as he thought. A man was crouching partly in the bushes and partly at the edge of the path.

  An old man- shrivelled and small.

 "Greetings, Father!" Biayi called.

 "My son," the man replied in a hoarse voice, "I'm hungry. Have you any food?"

  Biayi opened his food box. "I have some cocoyam, Father, which I'll be glad to share with you."

  The man took some of the cocoyam offered. But before he could dip them into the palm oil Biayi was opening out to him, they were snatched!

  Snatched by Chuma!


Married To The Devil's Son S1C21

MARRIED TO THE DEVIL'S SON VOULUME 1 - By Author Jasmine Joseph. 

     - C1S21

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I panicked. How could I have fallen asleep when Lucian was ill? I quickly placed my hand on Lucian forehead who was still sleeping. No fever. What had made him so ill last night? He seemed fine just before we kissed.

The kiss.


His hand on my back, around my waist, in my hair pressing body to his, the heat, the tingling sensation. I brought my hand up to my lips. His lips had been so soft yet so firm, moving against mine till I was breathless. He tasted like spices; hot burning your tongue, yet you came back for more. More... Yes, I wanted more.

I had been willing to give myself to him last night but slowly his kiss had become sloppy, his arms trembled before his whole body shook. Fear showed in his beautiful eyes, struggle on his face and sweat beads on his forehead. I had seen him like that once before, when we were in the woods, when our lips had touched. Something told me it had to do with the kiss, but why?

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Someone knocked on the door. Who could it be this early in the morning? Lucian swung his legs down from the bed startling me and stalked to the door as if hadn't been sleeping just now. Sometimes he was really strange. He opened the door and then I only heard whispering sounds before he closed it.

"I need to go" he said picking up his jacket from the bed and putting it on.

"Where?" I asked, worried.

"I will be back," he said as he left, ignoring my question. What happened that made him so stressed? Was it the bloodthirsty King or did his father die? Unable to suppress my worry, I quickly got dressed and went looking for him.

It was a lovely day. The sky crystal blue, the sun casting its golden rays on the beautiful garden.

Lucian's men sat in the garden eating their breakfast at a large table. They seemed to have fun, chatting and laughing loudly.

"Good morning, Your Highness," they greeted, standing up and bowing in unison when they took notice of me.

"Good morning." I smiled, my eyes traveling along the table looking for Lincoln. He was not there.

"Are you looking for someone my lady?" a guard asked.


"Where is Lucian?"

"His Highness went to meet the king," he said. So it was the bloodthirsty king. What did he want?

"May I sit with you?" I asked. They looked at each other with shock and confusion before they started moving around quickly, trying to organize a place for me to sit.

"Of course," a guard said, pulling a chair out for me to sit on. Then, they just sat there, like disciplined children waiting for their teacher to give them a lecture. I could see that I was making them uncomfortable but I needed some information that only they could give. I decided to go easy on them first.

"Why don't you guys tell me your names?" I suggested. I only recognized Oliver and Ky the one that imitated me slapping Lucian.

They glanced at each other, exchanging wide-eyed gazes before they began to present themselves. The soldier to my left side stood up and introduced himself first.

"My name is Callum Atkinson, My Lady." He bowed before he sat down again and the rest went on introducing themselves: Chad, Declan, Anum, Claus, Danilo and I forgot the rest because they were too many. It didn't matter because I wasn't here to know their names but to know more about Lucian, to know the truth.

"My lady, why would you want to know our names? We are nothing but your servants," one of them asked. I think it was Anum. Lydia and Ylva were my servants as well but they were the only people who truly cared about me and I about them.

"You are more than just a servant. You are a human being, a son of someone, a brother, a friend. If you are married, a husband, and if you have children, a father. Stop saying that you are just servants because I am only a princess." A princess who had been locked inside her home by her own parents who never treated her like their child.


They never played with her, never hugged her, never asked about her opinions or feelings. They treated her like a doll who always had to look perfect and act perfect or 'ladylike' until they find someone they could sell her to. But even then, she was not free. She would remain the doll she was without feelings and without opinions. Her husband would do as he pleased and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

If Lucian decided to take Klara as his wife, what would I do? What could I do? The guards stared at me, confused by what I said.

"I mean, I am a princess now but I might be nothing tomorrow," I explained even though that was not what I meant. Still, it was the truth. Once Lucian's father dies, we would either get killed or live to hide forever, because the chance of Lucian becoming the next king is almost impossible. His brothers were more powerful now because they had many allies. Lucian's only ally was this bloodthírsty king whom I didn't entirely trust. Why would he fight in a war he would most likely loose?

My thoughts went back to what Rasmus had said about Lucian last night. I didn't want to believe him but a part of me was suspicious. That's why I was sitting here with his men. I tried to find ways to ask about Lucian without sounding suspicious but gave up and asked them directly instead.

"Is it true that Lucian killed hundreds of men on his own during a war?"

Everyone looked up from their plate and seemed to consider what to say before opening their mouths.

"Yes. My Lady. It's war. You either kill or get killed," Callum said finally. So it was true? He had participated in many wars, killed many on his own yet he had no scars on his body, not even a tiny one. Something about Lucian wasn't right and I intended to find out what it was.

Have a lovely day!